Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Late night snack?

Oh, how I miss the fresh fruit in Thailand.

I always lose weight when I go to Bangkok...I'm just not sure how.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

First thoughts from Kiki...

wow, what a crazy month! I've had so many mixed emotions that go with as many diverse events. I can't believe that it is already July!So, I realized the other day (it happened to be around our anniversary--FIVE YEARS! Congrats to us!) that God has been moving us toward Thailand in different ways since high school for me and college for Trey and that the two of us have been moving toward Thailand together for six years.

I was thinking about this as we were preparing to be interviewed by the MTW staff for approval and it was a great comfort to me. If you have ever heard me talk about our call to Thailand, you know that it isn't all a rosy adventure for me. I have my hesitations and concerns and fears. In other words, I am a realist (Trey says "pessimist"). But the other reality is that during the doubts and fears of SIX YEARS I have always known that to not go would be to run from God's calling on my life like Jonah did. I don't know about you but I don't want to end up in a proverbial whale belly.... (I wonder what a modern day whale belly would be). But I also want to see the very best of what God has for us and know that fears and present security have not become my gods.

Thanks to all of you who have helped me wrestle with those little gods/idols of fears and present security/comfort during the six years! Keep up the good work and come
visit us when we get there!
This is me dancing on a no AC bus on our way to the beach retreat with 50ish college students--I had a little too much sugar! Also I miss that hat--I left it on the that same bus on our return trip.

Monday, June 28, 2010

First Newsletter

We'll be sending out a monthly newsletter called "Hold the Rope" via email, but I'll also post them here. Here's our first!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Big day. We were officially approved to raise support for 3 years in Bangkok by Mission to the World today. Seems like we've been moving this direction for a long time...almost 6 years now. So now the fun begins: road-trips, phone calls, support meetings and speaking engagements...all with the hopes of being in Bangkok by mid-July, 2011.