Wednesday, April 6, 2011

God wrecked and sold our car yesterday!

I find it ironic that Trey mentioned selling our cars in his last post bc as of yesterday, we are down to one car! So we drove to school in the Honda Accord, ran into a lady who turned in front of us (her fault), got the news from the insurance company that any repairs, tow etc, would be out of pocket, and then sold it to the North African shop owner (Mohamed) who's parking lot we pulled into, and finished driving to school 3 hours later in Trey's truck. As I write the series of events, it still seems surreal that all that happened yesterday morning. It hasn't sunk in that I don't have a car anymore, but I think it will become real when I start to get buff arms from trying to steer the truck with no power steering :-) I have some pics of the wreck on my phone, but don't know how to get them off the phone. If I figure it out, I will post them. So, God wrecked and sold our car yesterday and now we have one less "hurdle" as Trey called it toward getting to Thailand. I'm not sure why this timing is important but we are very thankful for how God worked it out. It was really strange to go from calling the insurance company to find out how we can get the car repaired, then worrying about how to pay for the repairs, to calling the insurance company to take the car off our coverage. PS, Trey and I and the other driver are all fine (her van even drove out of the parking lot after having the tire changed) NO more ghetto car with the ceiling falling down and no AC and a broken radio face and broken cigarette lighter and broken handle on the passenger side door and a trunk that only sometimes open with the key! Now we just have a country boy truck with no power steering, stick shift (which I don't mind), and a UGA sticker on the back!!! Thank you God for your provision.


  1. We are grateful that you are ok after this accident and have retained a sense of humor over the way God works out His perfect plan to get you overseas :)


  2. YES, grateful you're ok! And, this is so weird... I've like never been in an accident; but my accident this past sunday ended up with their insurance covering everything, including a dent in my (now totally crunched) trunk that had needed to be fixed before i sold it... and another thing that i didn't know about until I had to go see someone for whiplash :) yay for things working out awesomely!! :)
