Sunday, February 19, 2012

I've Got Someone for You (Part 2)

This is another jaw-dropping passage from Phra Peter Pannadipo's "Phra Farang" (see a couple of posts below).  Again, I was floored when I read this passage.  About the same time I was reading this book, a missionary friend here in Bangkok from another organization was reading a biography of the Buddha and had the same reaction.  Here, Pannadipo reflects on the Buddha's last words:

"The Buddha's final words came to me, as he lay dying under a sal tree in India more than 2,500 years ago.  'Monks, I address you now.  Transient are all conditioned things.  Strive on with diligence.'  Strive on.  The Buddha himself said that he only pointed the way and that it was up to each of us, up to me, to work out my own emancipation, to liberate myself.  To strive on with energy, determination, and conviction." (Phra Farang, p. 241)

Strive on...the message of the Buddha.  Self-liberation...up to me, up to you.  I often hear people talk about the similarities between Jesus and the Buddha, but there messages could not be more different!  Hear what the God-man says to His disciples:
"When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."  (John 19:30, italics and underlining mine)
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

The Christian message is that you and I could never, ever hope to work out our own emancipation, that we are dead in sin and hostile to God, but that Jesus came and liberated us by His life, death and resurrection, and by sending the Holy Spirit to give us new life.  What a Savior!

1 comment:

  1. So, the Christian strives because King Jesus has set him/her free! And now the striving is for the King and His kingdom and not to achieve emancipation; that is settled.

    I didn't say anything new but I had to write it to be sure I got it. Thanks for stirring the brain cells.
